Did you know that Bedford Borough offer a range of services for children with additional educational needs and their families?
To find details on how to access Services, Organisations and Activities that are right for you have a look at the Bedford Borough Local Offer by clicking the weblink https://localoffer.bedford.gov.uk/kb5/bedford/directory/home.page
Some of the services offered include:
Parentline Bedfordshire
Parentline is a secure and confidential text service for parents and carers of those aged 0-19. It offers advice and support on a range of issues such as weaning, sleep and emotional health or how to make an appointment with our team. This is also a great mechanism to find out how to access other local services.
Simply text 07507 331456 with your question to start the conversation – our team will be there to answer your queries from 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Who to contact
Contact Name Simply text with your question to start the conversation Telephone 07507 331456
Time / Date Details
When is it on 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday
Marlins Special Needs Swimming Club
Oasis swimming pool hosts a swimming session just for children with special educational needs and their families
Who to contact
Contact Name Rose or Val Telephone 07954 784795/07973859940
Time / Date Details
When is it on Sunday Nights from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm (Admission is £2-carers free)
Autism Friendly Cinema Screenings
Details of local cinemas offering screenings especially for children with Autism and their families can be found on the What’s On page https://localoffer.bedford.gov.uk/kb5/bedford/directory/whats_on.page